
5:49 am.

So, I just woke up. Accidentally. It turned out that I had to pee really bad, and my body didn't let me know until it was almost too late. In my scrammble to get downstairs to the bathroom I almost killed my cat. I threw the covers off and sat on them, before I stood up. Dazed, confused and having to pee really bad, I felt this warm, sqirming thing underneath me trying to wriggle away from possible death. "Cat," I thought, and proceeded to let it live. After that interesting ordeal, I decided to just stay awake, seeing as I have class in a few hours anyway. I made toast, (Yeah, toast! [that's exitment, not reiteration]) and got a huge glass of water. I had to use margarin on my toast, which pissed me off. Not only that, but the container said "spread", not margarin, simply "spread" in very small letters at the top. Nowhere else did it mention what it was...WHAT THE HELL! Just tell me what the mother fuckin stuff is! What are you trying to hide Country Crock!!! And that's why I don't like to eat anything but butter, and butter tastes better anyway. Anyhow, I take a huge chug of this water I've prepared myself, and it instantly goes down the wrong pipe. (It's really funny, now, that I'm creating a mental image of what I looked like doing this.) Yeah, I spit water everywhere. It was one of those choking instances where the moment you swallow, your throat says, "No thanks," and you immediately explode with whatever it is your trying to ingest. All this, however, came after my tornado dream. Ah, tornado dreams. If I had recorded everyone I've ever had, there would probably be an Encyclopedia Botanica (?) portion of books on my wall. So, yeah, the entire dream was about tornados, and of course, me trying to flee from them. There was one point in the dream, however, that makes me laugh. I was in my room/hole in the wall trying to kill all these rats and mice that were coming out of the walls. This is funny to me because I lie in bed, probably every night, listening to these animals in my walls. I'm pretty sure they're squirrels (nice ones according to my friend), but, nonetheless, animals, and they are extremely loud. There preparing for something, I know it, whether it's for winter or not they have something in mind. Maybe they're making some dooms day device, or a device used to take over my body in order to take over the world. I must say, if so, they didn't pick a very good one. I won't get them far, but I'm sure there will be others...
So, in my tornado dream I found out that I had this forgetten brother named Lexis, like the car... I called my house to make sure my mom was alright, and a boy answers the phone, I say, "Mac." and he says, "No, this is Lexis, your other other younger brother, the youngest," or somthing to that extent. Anyhow, it was weird. I forgot I had a younger brother, and thought, "I should go visit home more, and see how my family is. I should get to know this person named Lexis that I don't know or remember, but feel this sisterly bond towards. Weird. Anyhow, there were tornados all fuckin day long. They are always so vivid. At one point I was driving down this road, and I know exactly where I got the imagery from. It was a Colorado landscape, the tundra, which I hiked this summer. Tricky brain, I saw right through that one. This is a stupid post, but I have nothing better to do. Now that I've said that I'm out of ideas. wildcats...psshhhhooo...I'm gonna go...
(That's from a movie, by the way, I'm not that crazy)

6:17 am.

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