
Debating whether or not to sleep. I could...but I haven't done anything today. Let's see, woke up at 9am. Went to class until 12. Ate macaroni and cheese, (tasted bad) slept from 1pm to 3:29pm, went to work at 4pm, worked, worked, worked some more, got angry, ate chicken, felt ill, got angry again, worked some more, got off of work at 2:30am, came home, washed face, changed shirt, went to Jamie's, watched Life of Brain, laughed a lot... No, can't say that I've done a thing today. I'd like to emphasize the fact that the majority of my day was spent at work. I'd really like to go to The Large Adolecent Male right now, also known as Big Boy. Nothing like smoking inside. But I don't want to go alone. So the question is, to sleep or not to sleep. I'll bet that a) lots of people don't know what the phrase "to be or not to be" is from, and b) they don't get what it means. That is a great play. I love it. I think I'll read it again. I never understood why Shakespeare was so incredibly hard to understand. Maybe I'm just gifted in the ways of language, because I never really had too much trouble reading his work. For other students it was like some foreign tounge. I don't know. I smell of a thousand pizzas right now. It's disgusting. I have a blister on my right hand from cutting pizzas. Stupid, workatorium. Well...

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