
Man, what to say... School has re-convened. I had my Astronomy class today. My prof is probobaly in his mid-seventies, was wearing a bright yellow cartigan, all buttoned, the hair that he had was properly slicked to his head and parted to the side, he sported a hankerchief, and had a fitting old man hunch. He was really dull, but overwhelmingly amusing. He reminded me of that telastronomer with the crazy hair and the nerdy voice. I appriciate the fact that he is very passionate about his teachings. He laughed a lot, after telling us some random fact. For instance, we were talking about Galileo, and he got really excited about trying to make us guess what Galileo's true, worldly profession was, then enthusiastically stated that Galileo had been the head of the coin minting company in his day, which was a great job, so he didn't want to loose it over showing his support of the heliocentric theory!!! After class I asked him a really silly question, but for some reason I had never thought about it before, so I had to know. My question was relating to the seasons; I asked him if it was summer on the other side of the world right now. I felt really stupid for asking it, but I have never really payed (paid...? I don't....know) much attention to those things, so I was ignorant and curious. He got really excited that I had asked anything at all, and began shaking his head violently and saying "Yes, yes it is!!!" I'm really excited about that class now. It's funny because it deals with geometry and physics a lot, things I have never been too good at, but my mind hasn't worked with those subject matters in quite a while, so it is nice to have those gears turning again. I have a new, fresh handle on them. And I love the stars, so this should be pretty fun. The history part I can deal with just fine. I'm excited to learn about the moon cycles and the zodiac's relationship to astronomy. Zodiac means "little animals" by the way. The more you know...

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