I want to find someone cooler than anyone I already know, and say to them, "Get me out of this town," and then they'll say, "Let's go." Goodbye. I'm so incredibly lacking tolerance for everyone I know right now, with the exception of Lauren. Who I am simultaneously trying to call on the telephone. She's not home.click.Oh well. I know I'm just upset about the stupid drama that went down last night, but I feel like I was forced into this drama, and if there's one thing I hate, it's drama. But 0n a lighter note, my friend told me I looked like someone from Ghost World yesterday, and that made me really happy. I need to watch that movie again. It's been years. Speaking of years, it feels like it's been those since I posted last. Let's see, what have I done, I had Jury Duty this week, I don't know why I capitalized that. It was funny. And cold and frustrating. I dressed up like I was nuts. They didn't pick me. I'm listening to this Pinback I just acquired, and it's making me smile. I love that. I also got in my first car accident this week. I've also been drinking a lot lately, which isn't so good. Nothing really has substance for me anymore. It's been really depressing. And I often wonder how I got the the place I am in. It seems like the people I've invested a lot in lately are being weird and sort of stupid, but I think that just has a lot to do with me at the moment, and how I'm dealing with things in a pissed off way. There's this guy I know, and for some reason, I feel like he would understand me. And I feel like I'll always think that. Now this post doesn't make sense. I got a second tattoo. I'm at the church being a secretary right now, and I think I'm going to sneak out and hide in this strange fenced off crevice of the building and have a smoke. trying.
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