
my eyes
are these tiny slits
about two inches above my nose
to the left and right

my right eye
left to you
has this extra line
of scar tissue
on the innermost part
it creates a weird fold
this wrinkle
that other eye doesn't have
it creates a divot
on the right eye
the part closest to my nose
no one can see it
except me when i look closely in the mirror

there is also a scar on that same eye
right on top of the lid
it's about half an inch long
you can't see that one either
it makes it difficult to put on eye shadow
so i don't usually

i have another scar directly between
my eyebrows
a fine, smooth line
that crinkles when i am confused
it's fairly clear to see

on the bridge of my nose
closer to the right side
or left
is a swooping scar
the skin around it
bunches when i wrinkle my nose
it's the most obvious
the one i have always seen
and always remember
i didn't realize how big it was
until about a month ago

the last scar relating to the others
is at the edge of my eyebrow
above the right eye
left to you
it's about half an inch long
mostly hidden by hair

there's the one under my right eye
small and ordinary
left to you

then there's my chin
where i sport
two, inch long scars
both from falling
both had five stitches
once on rollerblades
once from standing on a stroller in Kmart

then there's the one on my arm
i don't know what that's from
on my left bicep
right or whatever

i also have this weird smile line
that doesn't make sense
because i know i didn't get cut there
on my cheek
left side to me

i think that's all of them
apart from the little ones
that cover my hands and knees
and my elbows
and feet

i can't remember where those came from
ya, this isn't a poem
i'm just writing

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