
consistently dissatisfied.*
someone just sneezed so loudly.

here's something from 2001:
settle for less.
enjoy what you have.
appreciate and cherish it.
the glass is always
half full.
fake that smile.
good for you.

[it strikes me that i have had the same dilemmas in life for as long as i can remember. if i retrace my steps it seems nothing has really changed much except the times. i am very self-centered. i didn't think i was but maybe i was wrong this whole time. i say i too much. god damn god damn.]

when you're up

it might take a minute
you went and cut me off
mice are having their way
they found the flavours
pair of fives; jack high
god damn god damn
i'm no gambler
but i just can't stop

naked lady cards and visors
i like to feel like a boy
but it's getting more popular
it's your deal
i'll slap that smile right off your face

look it's gone
when you're down
you stay down.

that was the manipulated dialogue of a poker game.

no i'm serious.

we like the homologous chromosomes.
the sister chromotids
daughter cells.

..people get drunk on this day..*i think i'll join in.

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