apparently i need to knock some more screws loose in order to make things work.
which evidently means standing on big rocks and singing along to the moon and antarctica on my cigarette break. that is that.
hey boy, getta sweater right now.
[sometimes people who generally don't like hip hop or rap really piss me off. how can you say that. or be so broad. that's ignorant. i can understand taste, but it seems like a decision based solely upon a distaste from the popular forms. i don't know. it just seems like there's a real lack of introduction. don't know where i'm going with this. i just don't understand opinions that seem to derive from the influence of pop music.]
listening to sad songs again.
brings about the first
of few good memories
some moment of peace had
years ago on dirt roads
near ditches
the first of many many
cigarettes and nights
i never slept.
brought to empty shores
very salty nights next to stars
visions i tried so hard to capture forever
but cried instead; had a drink.
and now i am reinvented
doing to same to these songs
what's left to see
i've heard them all before
and found that sounds consistently change
from time to time.
i can live with that
but all i feel
is the cold that you left
i'll try. enjoy the old
for its vintage color
its musty stale smell
and continue to be redefined
in every instance
gathering perspectives
or a fresh nuance
every now and again.
mah ha ha.
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