
{bad lands.}

you can dream. you can do whatever you want and who's to say you're ever wrong there's nothing wrong with you pace yourself don't just jump the gun this time it should be contemplated take it easy relax we're in a hurry here ohio and that's okay too and when the dogs are lying around the house looking bored and less than desperate you'll know it's time to go it's time to go and that's okay because you're okay and things are not okay but whatever. it's time to stop and it's time you realized you know yourself better than anyone else that's truth and it's bringing you to tears but hey sometimes it takes a little while to solve the problems you've accumulated get the fuck out of my way i'm walking here can't you see this is my side of the street and the kids'll never listen when you're screaming in their ears and the kids will never listen when you stay quiet all the time because honestly, the kids don't really give a shit about anything but the kids and you shouldn't bat an eye over anything but yourself i'm gonna be better i'm gonna be better and do right and right now bad habits are the hardest to kick and let me tell you that i've got a few too many of those and the worst ones are up in my head so you can't see them but i know they're there. it's true. this can be the fine line of life the one you step over to get somewhere else away from all your sentimentalities because honestly and you already know this that those are for the birds let's just drive let's just get out of here i'm gonna drink this whiskey until i have an out of body experience and then i'm gonna come back like a perverted resurrection because sometimes you really have to hit the ground before you can get back up.

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