
{i'm done.}

people are ridiculous. especially the ones i care for most. i'm trying to quit smoking and drinking, and failing at both. so i guess if i were trying to quit not failing, i'd be winning. there's my silver lining.

beyond the silver lining, i'm at work, trying to kill time before i have to deal with seven 5 year-olds. and then a fire drill. we'll see how that goes. on top of it all, i really have to crap. it's brewing inside me in that way where you think your phone is vibrating, but it's just your insides.

also, a staff member just walked into this room to make copies. i clicked away from my blog page, and onto my "sign out sheet for PVS aftercare" spread sheet, which i finished ten minutes ago. i tried to act busy, by deleting words and re-typing them. for some reason it seemed like a big deal. but thinking about it now, i don't know why i felt so deviant.

even now, as people walk in, i click away from this page, as though i were looking at porn.

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