
{surprise & water.}

time warp dementia. days andays andays andays. i need a bed. someone send me a bed. i can't sleep... it turns my days to mush.

like right now.

sometimes i really think i have borderline personality disorder. then i think, probably not, i'm just figuring life out. but my thoughts are continually paradoxical. i feel like one person, with two separately stable, and consistently contradictory thought patterns. or, possibly even three people. one self, being very country. the second, very city. and the third, very childlike. the first two are most prominent. but the third is somehow the actual self, caught between desires.

i have no real faith in astrology. but at times, i find it interesting that i'm a sagittarius, a double-headed sign, represented by the centaur, half beast, half man. i feel that is a great representation for me. this day rings like a dream. so here's a poem i wrote whilst in cleveland, it's the namesake of this blog, and is directly related to what i was just talking about:

{Gewölk. Geister.}

clouds. ghosts.

in the air coasting
like a jet engine sometimes
crashing like a jet engine smoking
there is a constant mechanical failure
noticed and disregarded
circling amongst the clouds
and always over the thick ocean
which is continually calling
sitting pretty and deadly desirable
sometimes she comes down
but rarely. anymore.
only when she allows herself the plummet.
most days surrounding smoking clouds
floating passionately and misunderstood
she looks upon her loved ones
down and always over wanting.
grieved that they might be so distant.
accepting painful satisfaction
that at least they are there.
in some ways.
but never all.
nor could they be.

ocean. ghosts.

in the water treading
like drift wood sometimes
sinking silently so water logged
there are the every day attempts to stay afloat
going limp and giving up.
letting the gulls have their fill
or falling deep into muffled quiet water
turning into seafoam or salt
being devoured by the beasts
sometimes she goes down
but rarely. anymore.
only she controls the darkest dives
and most days being drift wood
choosing battles and where her heart goes
she reaches for her loved ones
eyes up with arms and desperation
mourning the faces she cannot touch
with her hands weeping
into water daily
she gives the sea its salt
a body
and a name

trees. ghosts.

in the bark basking
while gentle breezes from the sea
sweetly blow into these little leaves
made for gathering the salts
to crystallize for consumption and sustenance
planted firmly in the land
overlooking the ocean
and the vast sky above
taking care and bringing back
sometimes she calls to them
more often. than before.
there is a righteousness in her roots
and the rich soil sustains her
so she can stabilize the rest
but without the water there is no growth
and with no sky no messenger
she turns patiently towards her loved ones
and kisses them softly
on the eyelids
she gives them rest
watches them sleep
lets them go.

1 comment:

will said...

i really enjoy ur writing