
Oh media...when will you learn. I find that whenever the TV is on, I don't hear what I'm supposed to hear. Sometimes I don't hear anything at all. Not in the sense that I'm zoned out, and everything is slipping into my brain subconsciously, but I see mouths moving, and it's all the same shit. And then there's Dave Chappelle. Oh man, I just watched this sketch about a "racial draft" and it was really funny. He slays me. Especially his white man impersionation. So, I just got a tattoo this Sunday. I like it a lot. People keep asking me what it represents, which is funny, because it was really just a doodle in my notebook that I thought was cool. And they say, "Oh, so it doesn't mean anything important to you?" And I say, "Nope." I think they think that's stupid. But the way I see it, yeah, I could get something emotional or whatever, but I don't really have anything like that. Maybe I could have done some research on Norway, and found some cool image pertaining to my heritage, but what would that really mean? Sidenote, Joan Rivers is frightening. Anyway, yes, so my tattoo is a simple cymetrical design, it has no specific meaning, and I like it a lot. I plan on getting many more all over my back. I just want a beautiful, inticate design. I have ideas, which I'll eventually put on paper. It'll be reminicent of hema. I'm taking my mom to get a tattoo on her 50th birthday this March. She wants something Celtic. I said, "Mom, you aren't Irish or anything." She agreed and told me she didn't care, she just liked the look of Celtic knots and crosses. When my friend Lauren turns 18, I'm taking her to get some of her mom's artwork tattooed on her left breast. Her mom died of breast cancer twelve years ago. I think it's gonna be really cool, and hott. I thought it would be corney at first, but I find that it's really expressive and beautiful. All she has left of her mother, and all she has really ever known of her, is her artwork. So I think it'll be an honerable way to remember her mother. It'll make something beautiful out of a tragic loss. Tattoo's are kind of like sex. You get it once, and you can't wait to get more. Man, you know, I hate when I'm about to say something in a conversation, and I get out a syllable or two, and the person I'm talking with interups me to say whatever the hell is that they wanted to say that's oh so much more important. Or when I tell someone something, and they say, "Well, I wouldn't do it that way, I would do it my way." And I didn't even ask for their fucking opinion in the first place. Wow. Well, I'm going to bed now. Maybe there won't be school again tomorrow.

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