
I just drove around with my friend for an hour looking for Crybaby Ln. It was a whole lot of funny. We thought we found it at one point. We came to this sign that read "DEAD END no exit" and freaked out a lot. And kept saying "skees skees skees..." There's this song where some guys says that a lot. Anway. I just did a little research. And discovered that it IS in fact on Euler (?) Rd. We are dumb. And scared. I just read a lot of ghost stories and I'm scared now. It reminds me of this dream I had where I was in Mexico or something, and I met this girl. I didn't realize it at first, but soon found out that she was a ghost, after she showed me her grave. She asked me to help her find her mom. So I took her hand, and we looked around. She looked really sad, and had no skin pigment. It was weird. Anyway. I'm unnerved a lot, so I'm going to go crawl in bed with Lauren. I hope she isn't naked. Ighm...

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