
I was just eating a really delicious apple, and about 15 seconds ago, dropped it on the floor. I'm pissed. Martha is talking to me. She makes this noise that's like a meow/purr in the back of her throat. It sort of sounds like a faint, high pitched Chewbacka noise. Man, what a day. It really has simply been that, a day. A day in the life of Megan Elizabeth, with a few perks. First perk, wearing a huge down (you know, like the goose feathers...) coat. Bright orange. It belongs to a friend of mine, who was going to move to Alaska, bought this righteous, warm coat, didn't go to the Arctic, and presently has this coat just laying around. Enter Megan into that picture. Anyway, wore the coat, which was spectacularly bright and bulky, however, it swished. It reminds me of Seinfeld. George wants that awesome suit, and after many an outwitting with another man of simular stature, gets it, and finds out that it swishes. Fu-nee. I just made Martha freak out and puff up by making this quiet, high pitched noise with my mouth. Yes, so, apart from the coat were just a few funny things that happened. Like paying for a pack of cigs with pennies. And paying for a cup of coffee with pennies. My friend was working so I just put all the pennies on the counter, pushed them towards her with both hands and said, "One cup of coffee, please." What a fuck I am. I think I did well on my Astronomy exam, and got extra points for staying after the test was over. See, I got to class at 5:10 pm, was done with the test roughly by 5:35 pm, and we had to come back to class at 6:25 pm. So I decided to tough it out, and it was worth it. Plus, I got to play with magnets. But I did fall asleep on some couch whilst awaiting the re-convention of class. Anyway, I'm just talking about my day, that's boring. Let's see... Hmmm... I shaved for the first time in a long, long, really fuckin' long time. I was using this lady razor, and it just wasn't doing the job at all. So I found a Mach 3, and yeowza. That sure did the trick. Ever since I decided that waxing my legs would be a good idea, last spring, (it wasn't by the way, never do it) the hair on my legs has grown back in patches. I look so weird and sickly. It's funny though, at least I think so, which probably means that 99% of the world won't think that's funny at all. Note to self: don't tell that story. Yes, so, I am a shaved women I am, and I've never felt better... I even put sensual body oil on my legs, for a silky smooth finish. How lovely. By sensual body oil, I mean Kroger brand. Go me. Yeah, so I'd really like to be moving in to the apartment now. Thanks. Thad be great. I just really need somewhere to chill out that isn?t where I?m living now, or Grounds. Because, just in case no one noticed, I?m there all the fucking time. I'm just now realizing how 12.5 hours ago, I was just getting out of class, and was very relieved. But time has just passed me by, and I wonder what I have achieved today. Class. Went to parents. Bath. Shave. Shower. Eat. Find money. Buy smokes. Buy coffee. Rewrite notes for Astronomy test. Class. Lauren's house. Pizza. Sit with friends at Grounds. On computer. Yeah, that was my day, and by my calculations, all I did that was productive was shave. Man, this post is dull. I suppose I could talk about how pointless life is, but I don't feel like it right now. My brain is sort of fried. Well. Bedtime. And remember kids, if someone makes you mad, just put some shit in a paper bad, light it on fire, set it in front of that stupid person's door, ring the doorbell, find somewhere to hide and watch the fun begin. That's what I'm gonna do this weekend. If anyone wants to help, let me know. There's this stupid man I know, and I want him to step in poop. And he?ll say, "It's poop again!" Even if it's the first time...

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