
softer shoulders

something to tell you. there is a large goldfish scanning the bottom of the tank for food. day in and day out he does this. eating up the brightly coloured rocks and spitting them out again. my left breast holds a better shape than the right. i am very sick. but my shoulders are exceptionally soft. i am freshly showered. and i have a great appreciation for soft shoulders against my cheek. the day is overcast. the curtains are red. the fan is off. and i will sleep now. at one point in life, my favourite time of the day was lying in bed, waiting for sleep to take me. for a long while this became a despised and lonely time, when it should not have been. and now again, this is the best part of day. having so much to think about. so much to create within myself. so much love to feel that doesn't exist. but it does, because i want it to.

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