
{it's awfully quiet around here.}

i sold my car today. for five hundred fifty dollars. many things have happened in that car. i'm kicking nostalgia. i've been really angry lately. violent mood swings. from feeling terribly hurt for no reason, to having a sudden intense impulse to ram my car into the guy who just cut me off in traffic. thank god i sold my car, i guess. my blood is boiling. it's just sad. it's a sad time still. to feel you've spent time cultivating friendships, only to find out it was for naught. or that clearly, people don't give enough of a shit to take care of their end of the friendship. i want nothing to do with this. i could explain my feelings until my fingertips bleed, but that would be just as pointless. my vagina is a ticking cancer time bomb. the sickening self-righteous are making their beds to sleep in. i care for them, but will inevitably despise them. it doesn't matter how you say it, no one will listen. and me, all i want to be is alone. my next move on the board will be to disappear completely. that's what i'm getting ready for. i used to think i had some potential. now i just hope i can have kids. and somehow get by.

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