
{chilled out entertainer.}

stuff yer face. my brains is currently making this noise: "wauw-wauw-wauw". so many things to do. so little time. crazy. but the day before yesterday was "book giving day" i guess. this day involves a woman choosing a man for which to give a book, and in return, he gives her a rose. it was initiated in spain. now it's all "international" and shit. some handsome firey, redhead named jeremy told me that out of nowhere, which was nice. we shook hands. i wish i'd had a book to give jeremy... i smell weird right now. but not unpleasant. i painted faces for three plays today. also i am tired. and eating much food. and want the sun to come out, so i can ride my bike home in its rays of glory. now this isn't to say things aren't great. because they are. great. i may have found a summer job. everything is falling into place nicely. and there are a few people to call and say, "will you hang out with me?" so there yah go. huzzah!

here's a teacherly conversation from yesterday:

me: i know you're having a hard time, but right now you just have to go with the flow.
kid: even when people are throwing squids at you?
me: weeell... yeah, because if you were a squid salesman, attempting to sell squids door to door, but no one wanted any squids, so they keep throwing squids at your face... you'd still have to go with the flow. because that's what you do. you're a squid salesman. you know?
kid: yeah.

(much laughter ensued.)

she then explained to me that she was feeling "woody" [pronounced like 'moody'}. that's what they say at home anyway. when her mom came to pick her up i explained that the day was a bit "woody". and the mom said, "on no... not woody-woo." it was great. that particular mother/daughter combo are amazing. the bring us dress-ups...!

and then today i thought to myself:

"you'll never get another teacher like me. someone who's basically a chilled out entertainer..."

i'm going to call a boy tonight.

that just made me think, "i'm going to kill myself tomorrow..." {royal tenenbaums.}

1 comment:

[di san baozi] said...

Glad your work is going well.