
I have been doing a good job of medicating myself lately. Yes, yes I have been. Lots of wine and other substances. I've been having to lower my standards however. Which has proved to not be a problem at all. Last night rocked. I had a great time with a few friends, and this really annoying guy named Steve. He was really fucking obnoxious, man. My friend and I decided that it was some divine plan that I'm a Sagittarius and that my name is Megan. It just so happened that his ex-girlfriend was a Sagittarius and that her name was Megan. So he left. For that reason. And it was awesome. Then I found my other friends. And I drank wine on the hammock with them. After that I was really tired so I went to sleep, but only for one hour. I woke up and after that I couldn't sleep. I really tried. This time. I just layed in bed from 2 am until 9 am. Then I decided to just go home and sleep in my own bed. That worked. I slept until 6 this evening. I ate pasta. I took a shower. I rode my bike. And now I'm here. Writing about stupid shit that doesn't matter. I think I'm going to move to New Zealand. Or join the Peace Corp. I would really like to get out of this town very soon. I'm getting really down about being here. I've been saying that for about three years now. I don't want to be a towny. I don't want to be known as someone who is connected to one particular place. Although this isn't neccesarily a bad or boring place, it has nothing more to offer me. There are very few people who I love and trust here. I'd say there are about twelve people here that I love, nine of which are family, and I would be fine leaving eight of them, those last four including my parents and grandmother and one friend. I would have a problem leaving those four, but I still could. I don't know. I'm going to make some tea from "Harrod's" (very good tea) I found in the freezer. And smoke. And smoke. And smoke. OH! And listen to music.

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