
Officially exhausted. Physically and emotionally. I finished my Edward Scissorhands paper. It's done. Done to the point where it contains the fundamental characteristics that make it at least a decent paper. I feel so ill. I feel sick all the time now. In the stomache. Stupid internal organs. I guarantee they will be the end of me. Absolutely. I had this weird dream about a butler today. I took this crazy nap around oneish. I slept in my friend's bed, because she wasn't home yet. We had a butler. And I think I may have had sex with him. I think that has something to do with my liking old guys. I told my mom that once, that I liked old guys, and her answer to that was that "Yeah, you may like old guys because they seem like real mean, which they aren't, and they may like you because you're young and ravishing and have tight pussy, but the fact of the matter is that it never works out." To which I replied, "So you say there's a chance..." The worst part of that story is that my mother used the phrase "tight pussy." She has a history of using phrases like that which disturb me to no end. Like the time she said "vaginal leakegde" in front of my new love interest. Weird! Awkward doesn't even come close to describing that situation. It's nice to know that we can talk about that time now and laugh about my crazy mom. Anyhow, time for bed.

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